Mental Health Training is a valuable tool for instructors and everyday citizens alike.
Training People Who Have Experienced Trauma
This is an instructor development class I wrote to help trainers better support their students. Many students seek training after experiencing some sort of traumatic life event and may respond poorly to training. While I am not a social worker I have extensive experience in mental health that makes me uniquely qualified. I worked three years at a maximum-security state prison in the mental health department followed by thirteen years in child welfare.
I consulted with a former colleague who is a Licensed Master-Level Social Worker as well as training industry experts in the development of this course.
We are in final beta testing for this course and expect it to become available by late May. 2024.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental health First Aid is a program of the National Council of Wellbeing. It is an evidence-based, early-intervention course that teaches participants about mental health and substance use challenges. Be prepared to support those around you by getting certified,
This course teaches the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges, as well as how to provide someone with initial support until they are connected with appropriate professional help. In the course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies to help someone in both crisis and noncrisis situations, and where to turn for help.
Topics Include:
- Depression and mood disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Trauma
- Psychosis
- Substance Use disorders
Mental Health First Aid teaches about recovery and resiliency – the belief that individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better and use their strengths to stay well.
Find upcoming classes on the schedule page or reach out to schedule a training for your group or business.